I used to hate cutting onions, because my eyes would always,
And I would end up trying to cut my onion with one eye 1/2 opened,
Which was kinda dangerous,
And I always ended up with mish mashed shaped onion pieces, with no uniformity what so ever and they were always chunky!
There was no love put into my onions because I physically couldn’t be around them for so long,
So I’d either get my husband to cut them for me or I’d hold my breath for as long as I could to get as much cut before I inhaled the onions crying fumes and I’d have to stop,
One day I happened to be cutting my onions and my extractor fan was on and my eyes didn’t start stinging or running and I was able to cut my onion for the first time beautifully (“,)
I guess the extractor fan draws up all the onions stinging fumes so they don’t go up your nose or into your eyes which is fantastic (“,)
I’ve filmed a video showing you how I cut my onion under my extractor fan and then without it on and you can see a real difference.
If you would like to have a laugh and see it in action watch the video below
If you have any other tips on how I can cut an onion with crying leave them in the comments below (“,)
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