Have you ever been looking for a greeting card for someone and found your self disappointed because you have not been able to find a card that really relates to the recipient, and their culture!
Well look no further because your search is over! ggcards is a gift card company specialising in mixed race greeting cards aswell as greeting cards for many different cultures and nationalities.
ggcards was launched when my husband and I were in a greeting card shop looking for a card for our daughter’s 1st birthday. All we found were cards that catered for caucasian children which didn’t embrace our daughter’s mixed heritage. Seeing a gap in the market I got right to work photographing designing and drawing cards capturing and celebrating different ethnicities and I bought out my first line of greeting cards in 2009.
With ggcards you will be able to find just the right card to acccomadate every occassion and celebrate every milestone, and with new cards added regularly you’ll be left spoilt for choice!
Each card is hand made, and the photos are printed onto high quality photo paper. We hope you enjoy our products.

3 African girls play the drum and dance together under a traditional acacia tree wearing traditional African clothing.

Inspired by the world famous film ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’. A young girl has bought so many things and is left confused on what to buy for her last purchase, diamonds or pearls? A great card for those who love to shop or those who love both diamonds and pearls and can not decide which they prefer.

Inspired by the famous nursery rhyme ‘Little Miss Muffet’. A young mixed race Miss Muffet is eating her rice and peas but isn’t frightened by the spider who came and sat down beside her because her food was too tasty to leave. This card is a picture of a nursery rhyme book and looks at first glance like the original Miss Muffet rhyme but changes towards the end making it more relevent to different cultures. Here’s the new rhyme:
“Little Miss Muffet
Sat on her tuffet
Eating her rice and peas
When down came a spider
Who sat down beside her
But the food was too tasty to leave”
A great card for rice and peas and Miss Muffet lovers and for when you just want to put a smile on someone’s face.

Inspired by the ‘1968 Olympics Black Power Salute’ performed by African American athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos. 3 girls celebrate amongst streamers, balloons and confetti. The 2 bottom girls are wearing a glove on each hand celebrating and the third has both hands in the air jumping for joy. The girls are shoeless wearing only socks as did the athletes to represent Black poverty, the girl on the left has a scarf around her neck like Tommie Smith who wore his to represent pride and the girl on the right has her coat unzipped as did John Carlos to show solidarity. This is a great card for anyone that has achieved something great and you want to show them how proud you are of them.

A young girl wearing a traditional Greek chiton has been searching in her ‘Friends A-Z’ from 800 bc until now for her true friend, as a true friend is very hard to find. This is a great card for that one in a million friend.

Inspired by the much loved kid’s cartoon character ‘Paddington Bear’, a child is in bed ill wearing Paddington’s iconic blue coat and black hat with a message on his famous suitcase saying ‘not well’. A great card for Paddington lovers.

Inspired by the award winning film ‘Oliver Twist’, this card takes the iconic scene of Oliver asking for more food but in a twist the child is actually asking for more birthday cake. The card has been given an old movie effect. A great card for Oliver Twist and cake lovers.

Inspired by one of Twiggy’s most iconic photos, a young girl is ill with a thermometer in her mouth and replicating Twiggy’s long lashes and short hair. This card is a great pick me up for a fashionista that isn’t feeling too well.

A Greek girl wearing a traditional ancient Greek chiton and headress with a gold Greek key pattern border.

A young boy is proudly holding up a picture he has made for his Daddy with his own wording saying ‘TO BEST DADDY EVA’. A great card for Father’s Day or for any time you want to tell your Father how much he means to you.

An Indian girl wearing a traditional Indian sari and twirling around a pink ribbon saying ‘TO AN INDIAN PRINCESS’ with a rangoli patterned background.
ggcards has been a big hit worldwide and I thought it was time to expand and make it even more personal to my customers by giving them the option to have their greeting cards personalised to their recipient. This means they would send me a picture of the persons or person they would want in the greeting card and I would use my talents and turn the picture into a Dimitra ‘half real life half cartoon’ creation.
If you want a specific pose then the person/persons have to already be in the pose but I can add most props, accessories, objects etc… to the picture.
Here’s an example of a before picture of gg and then an after picture of gg, after I have worked my magic and turned them into ‘half real life half cartoon’ master pieces (“,)